In business/debt restructuring:
- The declination of appropriate arrangements to predict crisis and crisis risk assessment techniques in CCII – Rivista delle Società, March 2023
- The practical test of reasonable pursuit of rehabilitation and the emergence of crisis. Reversible insolvency – based on “Composizione negoziata della crisi di impresa e concordato semplificato” – Quaderno n. 23, Superior School of Magistracy , February 2023
- Appropriate arrangements for predicting crisis and crisis risk assessment techniques after the transposition of the Insolvency Directive; the role of the supervisory board, Società, Contratti, Bilancio e Revisione,January 2023
- Some corporate reflections on the viability of the business of the Insolvency Directive, with particular (but not exclusive) regard to the arrangement as a going concern, Diritto della Crisi, January 2023
- Reflections on business continuity with special reference to composition with creditors – OCI, December 2022
- The Restructuring Plan Subject to Approval (PRO): a tool for crisis resolution, responsive to the needs of the business system , Rivista l’Imprenditore – Confindustria, December 2022
- Public shareholders and the business crises AA.VV., July 2022
- The governance of the company in crisis: the reinforcements, opportunities and possible developments arising from the negotiated settlement, Diritto della Crisi, January 2022
- The behaviour of the entrepreneur and the role of the expert also in the light of the executive order, Il Fallimento 12/21, December 2021
- The indications contained in the platform: the test, the check-list, the protocol and possible proposals, Diritto della Crisi, November 2021
- Regulatory and cultural obstacles to competing proposals in the arrangement with creditors as a going concern, AA.VV. liber amicorum A. JORIO, Zanichelli, November 2021
- “Logic and techniques of a recovery plan”, AA.VV., Arrangements for restructuring, recovery plans and moratorium agreements – From bankruptcy law to Crisis Code, edited by Giuseppe Ferrjr and Daniele Vattermoli, June 2021
- Leaseholds and Renegotiations, AA. VV: a necessity and a challenge for the future, edited by Antonio Caiafa, April 2021
- The reform of bankruptcy procedures: on the grounds of evidence and signs of distress, Giurisprudenza Commerciale, April 2021
- Suitability of reorganisational set-ups. “Indicators” and crisis prevention concerning policy and law, Giurisprudenza Commerciale, February 2021
- How to prepare for the impact of a company crisis, jointly with M. Fabiani, I. Pagni and L. Stanghellini,, February 2021
- Regulatory and cultural obstacles against competing proposals in arrangements with creditors – Il Fallimento 1/2021, January 2021
- Updated new principles of attestation in recovery plans – Eutekne, December 30th 2020
- Introduction in the book: business crisis and the pandemic emergency – AA.VV, a cura di S.Ambrosini e I.Pagni – Bologna, 2020
- Inadequacies, partly regulatory and partly cultural, of crisis resolution tools during Covid times, Il, August 10th 2020
- The statutory auditors’ role in validating suitable organisational structures in line with Article 2086 of the Italian Civil Code, Companies and Contracts, Budgets and Audits 03/2020 Dottrina Eutekne, March 2020
- OCRI: an opportunity, not a threat, Il Societario, January 14th 2020
- Warning signs and corrective measures: a small detail that risks wrecking an effective tool in practice, il Fallimentarista, January 13th 2020
- Business crisis, more flexibility needed for all alerts, Il Sole 24 Ore, January 8th 2020
- OCRI, the cornerstone of the SME alert system, Il Messaggero, December 8th 2019
- Alert measures – from correct arrangements up to the proceedings before the Ocri, Series edited by M. Vitiello – S. Sanzo, monograph, November 2019
- Business crisis, accountants’ early warning signs , in La Repubblica, October 28th 2019
- Adequate organisation is the cornerstone for a healthy company, in Il Sole 24 Ore, October 25th 2019
- Crisis indicators and the detection process leading to them being defined, Il Fallimentarista e il Societario, September 23rd 2019
- A (partially) critical note regarding the primacy of a business plan within the context of proper arrangements, Il Fallimentarista, August 5th 2019
- Techniques to manage a crisis in advance. Objectives on the reform of insolvency procedures, Code of Business Crisis, and Insolvency, Questione Giustizia, July 2019
- Phases, institutions, roles, and outcomes of the alert procedure – Crisis of Companies – Alert and assisted settlement procedures, Il Sole 24 Ore, March 12th 2019
- Indicators driving a crisis for the OCRI, The bankruptcy reform, ItaliaOggi, January 23rd 2019
- Debt sustainability in the ensuing six months: an unfortunate phrasing for identifying alert indicators, Il Fallimentarista, January3rd 2019
- Crisis management, few experts, Il Sole 24 Ore, December 4th 2018
- The success of reforms hinging on the OCRI: a heartfelt recommendation to the legislator, il Caso, December 4th 2018
- Plans for restructuring and creditors’ agreements between current regimes and future changes, Il Fallimento, December 2018
- Firms must equip themselves with crisis warning tools , The Legislative Decree on Business Crisis and Insolvency Codes introduces both internal and external organisational and reporting obligations, info, November 16th 2018
- The crisis code; “significant signs”: dangerous consequences of a misconception that needs to be remedied, Case, November 12th 2018
- New warnings push SME’s to self-diagnosis their own activities, Il Sole 24 Ore, November 12th 2018
- Business plans for corporate governance whilst under agreements and during a crisis, between current regimes and any future changes, Il Fallimento, November 8th, 9th and 10th 2018
- The feasibility plan, hopes, risks and prospects. Procedures of the reform between Italian and European law, edited by Paolo Montalenti, February 2018
- Corporate crisis reforms. From pre-warning signs to the application to the Court through the assisted settlement procedures. The organisational safeguards and governance rules provided by the reform”, AA. VV. OCI, January 2018
- Business continuity during bankruptcy proceedings. Corporate transactions and business continuity, AA. VV. OCI, series of studies by Pietro Rossi, University of Siena, Volume XXXVII, January 2018
- Alerts and assisted crisis resolution procedures: pitfalls and opportunities. From experience gained in restructuring, suggestions given to delegated legislators to avoid the former and implement the latter,Il Fallimentarista, October 31st 2017
- The corporate governance of insurance companies outlined in the IVASS Document under Consultation no. 2/2017, Il Societario, October 26th 2017
- Debt restructuring agreements and moratorium agreements: business profiles in Statute of insolvency procedures edited by Alberto Jorio, Bruno Sassani, Giuffrè, June 2017
- Interpretative document of the CNDCEC in relation to art. 182-septies l.f., Giuffrè Editore
- The warning signs in the wording of a draft bill for bankruptcy reform approval by the Chamber; critical examination, risks for the business community, Crisis of Companies and Bankruptcy, The case, Blog, February 14th 2017
- Debt restructuring agreements: Negotiating autonomy and insolvency, January 2017, F. Rolfi, R. Ranalli and E.Staunovo Polacco, The New Bankruptcy, Giuffrè
- Bankruptcy procedures according to recent developments between Italian and European law, THE FEASIBILITY OF THE PLAN: STRENGHTS, WEAKNESSES AND OPPORTUNITIES, September 23rd-24th 2016, XXX Conference in Courmayeur
- Bank restructuring agreements and moratorium agreements, Ranalli jointly with N.Ranalli, Law Workshop, Giuffrè, September 2016
- Debt restructuring plans and expert reports: the principles of attestation, AA.VV., edited by S. Ambrosini and A. Tron, Zanichelli Editore, January 2016
- Special decree “contestability and financial solutions” n. 83/2015: restructuring agreements with financial intermediaries ex art. 182-septies some key considerations, Il Fallimentarista, July 23rd 2015
- Abuse of process and best practices in dealing with arrangements with creditors, Il Fallimentarista, Blog, July 8th 2015
- The business continuity arrangement plans, Giuffrè, R. Ranalli and F. Rolfi, published in the series edited by S. Sanzo and M. Vitiello, June 2015
- The partial satisfaction of privileged creditors in arrangements with creditors, n.12, Ipsoa, December 2014
- The monitoring of plans by the commissioner regarding arrangements with continuity, Osservatorio sulle Crisi di Impresa, November 2014
- The attestation of the expert in continuity arrangements, Il Fallimentarista, 28th May 2014
- The expert’s attestations in continuity arrangements, May 2014, IPSOA
- Accompanying judgement on the satisfaction of creditors in continuity arrangements, Il Fallimentarista, December 19th 2013
- Observations regarding the judgment of the Tribunal of Benevento 23rd April 2013, Il Fallimentarista, November 2013
- Nature of fees in tax settlements, Il Fallimentarista, November 28th 2013
- Some tips on choosing the correct corporate crisis resolution instrument after the development decree, Il Fallimentarista, April 4th 2013
- Role of the OCRI and board members, Il Caso, January 22nd 2013
- Commentary on art. 182-sexies l.f – Reduction of capital in a company in crisis, second edition of the Bankruptcy Code edited by G. Lo Cascio
- Commentary on art. 186-bis l.f. –Continuity arrangements, jointly with G. Nardecchia, second edition of the Bankruptcy Code edited by G. Lo Cascio
- The impact of a feasibility assessment in the newly arranged business continuity plan, Eutekne, July 2012
- The continuity agreement and the role of the certifier, jointly with L. Quattrocchio, Il Fallimentarista, July 2012
- Choosing the right reorganisation instrument in relation to company crisis indicators and analysis, AA.VV. The role of the expert in business reorganisations, Eutekne, June 2012
- Reaching the financial rebalancing ex art. 67, par. 3, l.f.: a draft interpretation from a professional point of view, Il Fallimentarista, April 5th 2012
- Choosing the right reorganisation tool, n. 5/2012, Il Fallimento, May 2012
- Professional attestation of restructuring agreements: assumptions, content and purpose, November 2011, Il Fallimentarista
- Attestation of the “controllable” professional in restructuring plans, December 20th 2011, Eutekne info, Accountant’s newspaper
- The agreed solutions for business crisis, April 2011, Proceedings of the conference published in Quaderni di Giurisprudenza Commerciale
In other fields:
- Corporate governance of insurance companies outlined in the IVASS Consultation Document No 2/2017, Il Societario, October 26th 2017
- Assessing the financial value of trademarks in “The new Company Law”, edited by O. Cagnasso – M. Irrera, and co-ordinated by G. Gelosa n. 23-24, 2013
- Auditing extraordinary transactions, Statutory Auditors & Auditors, no. October 19th 2008, Il Sole 24 Ore
- Brand equity evaluation in “The new Company Law”, headed by O. Cagnasso – M. Irrera, coordinated by G. Gelosa, n.13, 2007
- The Board of Statutory Auditors, concerning check lists of duties for the board of statutory auditors of banks, insurance companies and listed companies IPSOA Le Società series, 2007
- Formulary of joint stock companies, Giuffrè, AA.VV edited by GIOVANNI LO CASCIO and LUCIANO PANZANI, 2006
- Relationship between the executive in charge and other players in the control system, IR Top Investor Relators in Italy, October 2006
- “Impairment testing of IAS 36“, Il Sole 24 Ore, Guide to International Accounting Standards, February 2006
- Raising money from non-banks, Eutekne, 2005
- Shares, financial instruments and allocated assets, conference highlights of the company law reform, organised in 2004 by the Faculty of Law of Turin, the Faculty of Economics of Turin, the Bar Association of Turin, the Notary Council of the Combined Districts of Turin and Pinerolo, the Order of Chartered Accountants of Ivrea – Pinerolo – Turin