Viviana Triolo
Of Counsel of the Firm since September 2020
Graduated with honours from the University of Turin – Faculty of Law; enrolled in the Turin Bar Association since July 1995.
She works in the field of civil and commercial law, providing assistance and advice both in and out of court, with particular reference to bankruptcy and insolvency law, having gained experience in solving problems relating to crisis management and the conduct of insolvency proceedings; she also deals with contractual matters, both in terms of drafting contracts and in terms of solving related problems.
Mediator ex D. Lgs 28/2010 at the Mediation Body of the Bar Association of Turin and at ADR Piemonte – Unioncamere.
Manager of the over-indebtedness crisis ex L. 3/2012 at the Organismo di Composizione della Crisi Modello Torino.